December 7, 2012

Reading Books on iPhone with Overdrive App

I recently received iPhone 5 from work and I couldn't be any more pleased with the timing. I had been thinking about buying a 7 inch tablet (e.g. Amazon Kindle Fire) to read books on it. But, now that I have iPhone, I may defer buying a small tablet until later or probably never. On another happy note, I have also received an iPAD 1 from work, but it is too bulky to carrry it everywhere.

This year, I had quite a few number of instances where I had to pay fine to the library because I couldn't return books on time. Plus, getting to the library is a chore. But, iPhone has now changed this equation for me.

As soon as I received iPhone, I discovered that my public library offers eBooks through an app called Overdrive. Overdrive requires your library's ID card number and your 4-digit PIN. Once you set this up, it is then just a matter of browsing through books and downloading them to start reading. I also like the fact that this app offers audio books in multiple formats so that you are not limited to iOS platform.

Even though iPhone's screen is smaller and wish that it could be bigger (like Samsung Galaxy S III or Note), it is still not horribly bad. Books are readable on iPhone 5. You also have the option of making the font size bigger.

This little app has now allowed me to fill small gaps small gaps of idle time in the office, while waiting, or at home with book reading activity. If I had not discovered this app, I am pretty sure I would be filling up that time by browsing the web or reading news (which is not bad, but is a little less productive and unfocused). Because iPhone is with me all the time wherever I go, books are with me too.

The only drawback I see with Overdrive is the selection of books. It doesn't offer quite the same number of books like the physical library does. Limited selection forces me to read browse harder for quality books. Hopefully, library will increase its selection or somebody will figure out offering books at a cheap subscription price point.

I see iPhone 5 as a tool to remain productive. I am still going to read physical  books, but my unproductive instances of time are now filled with productive activity. Within a matter of 2 weeks, I've listened two two audiobooks, completed reading one eBook, and in the process of reading two more books simultaneously. iPhone 5 and the Overdrive has made the book borrowing and reading process painless.

Happy reading folks!

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